Die Dokumentation für dieses Modul kann unter Modul:ManufacturerNavplate/Doku erstellt werden
local ManufacturerNavplate = {} local metatable = {} local methodtable = {} metatable.__index = methodtable local navplate = require( 'Module:Navplate' ) local common = require( 'Module:Common' ) --- Queries the SMW Store --- @return table function methodtable.getSmwData( self ) -- Cache multiple calls if self.smwData ~= nil then return self.smwData end manufacturer = self.manufacturer local askData = { '?#-=page', '?Name#-=name', '?Typ#-=type', '+lang=de', '?Rüstungsklasse#-=armortype', '+lang=de', '?Fahrzeugtyp#-=vehicletype', '+lang=de', '?Waffentyp#-=weapontype', '+lang=de', '?Ist Basisversion=base_version', order = 'asc', limit = 250, } local query = '' if string.sub( manufacturer, 1, 2 ) == '[[' then query = manufacturer else query = '[[Hersteller::' .. manufacturer .. '|+depth=0]]' end query = query .. '[[Kategorie:Universum]]' -- Ignore subobjects table.insert( askData, 1, query ) local data = mw.smw.ask( askData ) if data == nil or data[ 1 ] == nil then return nil end local presort = {} for _, row in pairs( data ) do if type( row['armortype'] ) == 'string' then row['type'] = row['armortype'] end if type( row['weapontype'] ) == 'string' then row['type'] = row['weapontype'] end if row.vehicletype ~= nil then -- TODO: Localize and fix ground vehicles row['type'] = 'Raumschiff' end if row.base_version == nil or row.base_version == true then table.insert( presort, row ) end end mw.logObject(presort) self.smwData = presort return self.smwData end --- Sorts the table by Manufacturer --- --- @param data table SMW data - Requires a 'page' key on each row --- @param groupKey string Key on objects to group them under, e.g. manufacturer --- @return table function methodtable.group( self, data, groupKey ) local grouped = {} if type( data ) ~= 'table' or type( groupKey ) ~= 'string' then return grouped end for _, row in pairs( data ) do if row[ groupKey ] ~= nil then if type( grouped[ row[ groupKey ] ] ) ~= 'table' then grouped[ row[ groupKey ] ] = {} end local name = common.removeTypeSuffix( row.page, self.plateType ) if row.name ~= nil then name = row.name end table.insert( grouped[ row[ groupKey ] ], string.format( '[[%s|%s]]', row.page, name ) ) end end mw.logObject( grouped ) return grouped end --- Outputs the table --- --- @return string function methodtable.make( self ) if self.manufacturer == nil or self.manufacturer == '' then return '' end local data = self:getSmwData( self.manufacturer ) if data == nil then return '' end local grouped = self:group( data, 'type' ) local args = { title = self.manufacturer, subtitle = 'Produkte von' } local i = 1 for manufacturer, items in common.spairs( grouped ) do args[ 'label' .. i ] = string.format( '%s', manufacturer ) args[ 'list' .. i ] = table.concat( items ) i = i + 1 end return navplate.navplateTemplate({ args = args }) end --- New Instance --- @return table ManufacturerNavplate function ManufacturerNavplate.new( self, frameArgs ) local manufacturer = frameArgs[ 1 ] or frameArgs[ 'Hersteller' ] or frameArgs[ 'Manufacturer' ] local title = mw.title.getCurrentTitle() local instance = { args = frameArgs, manufacturer = manufacturer, plateType = 'Hersteller', title = title, } setmetatable( instance, metatable ) return instance end --- Entry for module calls --- --- @return string function ManufacturerNavplate.fromArgs( frame ) local args = require( 'Module:Arguments ').getArgs( frame ) local instance = ManufacturerNavplate:new( args ) return instance:make() end return ManufacturerNavplate